Idaho Medical Association Annual Meeting & House of Delegates
October 4-6, 2024, Sun Valley

Become an ACMS Delegate 

Each year, the Idaho Medical Association House of Delegates (HOD) sets its advocacy agenda through resolutions and reports on activity during its annual meeting. As a delegate, you will help guide the future direction of your Idaho Medical Association's policy and legislative priorities. There will also be a medical education session that is still being qualified for credits and topics are yet to be finalized.

  • Any "Active" ACMS Physician member (by IMA By-laws definition) is allowed to serve as an ACMS delegate, so long as they are not already serving as a delegate of another medical association.
  • Those paying part-time, administrative, government, or educational dues rates may participate as a Delegate by paying the balance of a full-time Active member annual dues rate of $520/$210 (IMA/ACMS portions respectively.) Retired member physicians still maintaining an Idaho license and fellows at resident-level dues rates may do the same in order to participate.
  • ACMS member medical residents, medical students, PAs, and NPs are not qualified to serve as delegates but may attend the meeting and even speak during the HOD session if invited by an Active delegate to do so.
  • Secondary society members of ACMS may not serve as ACMS delegates but can only serve for their "native" county society.

Attendance and Testimony Options 

  • It is free to register for in-person attendance; however, in-person registrations made within two weeks prior to the start of the meeting (Sept 20-Oct 4) will incur a late registration fee of $50. 
  • This year, the IMA Board has decided that both in-person and virtual, online participation will be available for all sessions of the House of Delegates.  Registration to participate online is $150 and this is intended to incentivize in-person attendance, which the IMA prefers.
  • All IMA Members (including APPs, students and residents who cannot otherwise qualify as a Delegate), can provide written comments or proposed language changes in advance of the HOD in writing via the IMA's website. 

ACMS Delegate Stipend Available

Registering to attend the Annual Meeting and HOD as a delegate is free for IMA physician members. However travel costs or virtual participation registration costs are a delegate's responsibility. ACMS provides a stipend as a token of recognition of time spent out of the clinic for eligible ACMS delegates and those ACMS members attending as delegates of other organizations. 

1)      For ACMS members who attend BOTH Friday and Sunday HOD Sessions, the following stipend rate will be provided: 

  1. In-person: $599

  2. Fully Virtual: $300

 Our goal is to incentivize full involvement in the policy-making process.

 2)      An additional $250 stipend will be provided to ACMS members who serve on the HOD reference committee, which can only be done in person.

Applications to serve on the reference committees must be made to the IMA, which chooses and approves those serving in the limited slots.

Our goal is to incentivize the additional time commitment in the policy-making process.

 3)      ACMS Board members who participate in both House of Delegates sessions receive an additional $500 stipend.

Our goal is to incentivize full involvement in the IMA policy-making process as an ACMS Leader. 

Download the full 2024 ACMS Stipend Policy  

Sun Valley Accommodations

Room reservations in Sun Valley should be made as early as possible to ensure availability at the best rate. Online registration and information can be found on the IMA website at

ACMS will host a members-only breakfast at the meeting on Sunday. You can register for this when you register with the IMA to attend.

Learn more about the House of Delegates Process Here

Call for Resolutions

The IMA is now soliciting for resolutions for the 2024 IMA House of Delegates A resolution is the vehicle used to propose to the Idaho Medical Association (IMA) House of Delegates (HOD) an official policy for adoption or directive for action, or both.

Click here to view a sample resolution.

Resolutions may come from an individual IMA member, committee, Board of Trustees, a local or specialty society, or an outside physician entity or association. They also may be sponsored by one or more medical membership association. If you would like the ACMS board to consider sponsoring your resolution as an association, please submit it to ACMS by July 10 for consideration by the board at July's board meeting.

Resolutions must be submitted through the IMA's online Resolution Submission Form. This new tool will walk resolution authors through the steps and required elements needed to create a full and complete resolution.

Additional Resources 

  • To learn more about the required elements of a resolution, review the Resolution Fact Sheet.
  • To avoid policy duplication or conflict, please compare your resolution idea to existing policy found in the IMA Health Policy Manual.